Maine este 1 aprilie. Important este sa nu intri in panica, chiar daca in acest interval de 24 de ore se poate intampla orice. Iti prezentam cativa dintre suspectii principali din anii trecuti cand vine vorba de farse reusite de pe Internet, ca sa stii la cine sa fii cu atat mai atent maine.


– Google lanseaza o noua functionalitate de cautare care poate sa vada in viitorul apropiat (mai precis, o zi in viitor)

“Using a mashup of numerous factors such as recurrence plots, fuzzy measure analysis, online betting odds and the weather forecast from the iGoogle weather gadget, we can create a sophisticated model of what the internet will look like 24 hours from now.”

– Google si Virgin isi unesc eforturile pentru a construi o colonie umana pe Marte. Proiectul poarta frumosul nume de Virgle.

“In the years to come, we’ll be sending up a series of spaceships carrying (along with the supplies and tools needed to build the new colony) what eventually will be hundreds of Mars colonists, or Virgle Pioneers.”

– YouTube: Toate videoclipurile featured pe prima pagina te duceau de fapt la Rick Ashley – Never gonna give you up.In alte cuvinte cateva milioane de oameni au fost rick roll’d.

– TechCrunch da in judecata Facebook pentru 25 de milioane de dolari.

“When our team of lawyers offered to settle for a mere $50 million, Kelly told me Facebook would “bury you and bury your crappy blog” if we filed the suit. He then threw his steaming hot triple soy latte espresso at me, which caused extensive second degree burns over the top half of my body. Later on, he also unfriended me.”

– World of Warcraft introduce o noua clasa de personaj. Bard.

“The bard’s extensive Metal skill line grants the potent transformational ability “I Am Murloc,” as well as direct damage effects like “Epic Solo” that will rock foes into oblivion while powerful Indie debuffs such as “Tape Jam” and “Shoegazer” keep them in check.”

– Thinkgeek scoate la vanzare testul de sarcina cu USB.


– Google produce o noua revelatie… Hartie Gmail!

“It’s paper, plain and easy. I sometimes find myself wondering: what will Google think of next? Cardboard?”

– Americanii inving rusii in primul meci de Quidditch in spatiu. vinde o punga de hartie plina cu Random Crap la pretul de un milion de dolari.

– World of Warcraft pune la dispozitia jucatorilor “palaria din aluminiu” care sa-i apere de mind control si vraji.

“Schematic: Tinfoil Hat
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to make a Tinfoil Hat Tinfoil Hat
10 Armor
-10 Intellect
+10 Spirit
Equip: Hides the wearer’s profile from the Armory.
Equip: Allows the wearer to see “the truth.” May lead to an incontrollable urge to share “the truth” with others.
Use: Grants the wearer immunity to all forms of mind control for the next 10 sec…or does it?”

2005 & 2006

– Water found on Mars, via Nasa.
– Dan Baines scoate la licitatie pe eBay cadavrul unei zane.
– Blizzard Entertainment anunta deschiderea lantului de restaurante Burgercraft
– Se lanseaza Google Room Maps... daca vrei sa spionezi pe cineva in camera lor.

Pentru mai multe farse din online intra pe site April Fool’s on the web.

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