Maine, Apple Inc. (US.AAPL) va face cvea mai mare prezentare din ultimii ani. Nu doar noi modele de telefon, Apple Watch si Apple TV, dar si noul sau sediu central vor fi in lumina reflectoarelor.
O alta supriza pregatita de Apple (dezvaluita insa de presa) este faptul ca vor fi 3 noi modele de telefon inteligent: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus si iPhone X, ultimul fiind o varianta de lux. (Sursa: Bloomberg).
Every year since 2007, Apple has introduced a new iPhone, often setting new standards for smartphone technology. This year’s launch is particularly special since it marks the 10 year anniversary of the original iPhone.
In past years, the launch’s success, or lack thereof, carried a significant impact on the overall yearly performance of the Apple stock. Here’s how the stock performed over the years: